Browsing: Apps

Apps – short for applications – are computer-based software programs that are used on desktop computers, mobile devices, and wearables.

Vid Diva App

Vid Diva is an app developed for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS that helps users keep track of movies and TV shows. It was first launched in July of 2021.

Usage Activity Monitor

Developed by Oleh Stasula, Usage is a powerful set of utility applications for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS that provide detailed system use information to users. Both sets of apps are designed to be lightweight, customizable, and intuitive for users.

All the Timers iOS Timer App

All the Timers is an iOS timer app that provides customizable timers to be used for any use. The app allows users to create as many timers as they want to use for preparing meals or any other task that requires a timer.

SideNotes macOS App

SideNotes is designed to be a distraction-free option for quick note-taking. On its surface, it’s a notepad that lives on the side of your monitor.

Must-Have iOS App

With more than 3.7 million apps in the App Store, how is someone supposed to know what they should download? As an avid user of the iPhone, I have quite a few that I consider a must-have. These are apps that I download as soon as possible when I upgrade my device. Here are five of my favorite iOS apps that I think everyone should have.

WordPress Plugin

When it comes to WordPress Plugins there are thousands. Wading through the sea of plugins to find the best solutions for your site is a daunting task. There are literally dozens of options for each type of action you want for your site. Just this week, I was searching for a Table of Contents plugin (included below) and I spent hours testing out the various options until I found just the right fit.

macOS Extensions featured image

We all have our favorite apps – the ones we can’t live without. And while we always think about how those apps affect our daily productivity, we can’t ignore the ‘behind-the-scenes’ work of macOS extensions. Extensions take their app counterpart to the next level and elevate your work even further.

Essential Mac Apps

There are approximately 1.96 million apps available for download from the App Store and it can be nearly impossible to sift through them all to determine which ones will be most beneficial to you. Everyone has their ‘go-to’ apps — you know, the apps you can’t live without. It’s taken me a long time and several computers to settle on my Top 5 apps


Goodreads started as a social cataloging website in 2006 and has evolved into a system that included mobile apps. The app allows you to find new, interesting books and personalized recommendations based on the books you read and review.