Browsing: iOS

Vid Diva App

Vid Diva is an app developed for iOS, iPadOS, and macOS that helps users keep track of movies and TV shows. It was first launched in July of 2021.

Usage Activity Monitor

Developed by Oleh Stasula, Usage is a powerful set of utility applications for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS that provide detailed system use information to users. Both sets of apps are designed to be lightweight, customizable, and intuitive for users.

Yoink App Logo

As a content creator, I am on a constant search for resources. I will grab information from lots of different sources and I end up using a text document to save items I clip from websites until I need to use it for an article. There is a better way to collect resources though and it’s called Yoink.

Trana iOS App

DOWNLOAD A personalized coaching app for health and wellness. The past few months have been tough. There’s no denying it.…

FitTime5 iOS App

DOWNLOAD A fun way to keep moving while you’re working from home. As more and more people transition to working…